- Abrasive Wheels
- !Action Pact!
- Adam and the Ants
- The Adicts
- The Adverts
- Angelic Upstarts
- Anti-Nowhere League
- Anti-Pasti
- Anti System
- The Arteries
[edit] B
- Bastion
- Bangers
- Billy Childish
- Billy No Mates
- Black Tax
- Blitz
- Blitzkrieg Bop
- The Boys
- Broken Bones
- Bus Station Loonies
- The Business
- Buzzcocks
[edit] C
- Chelsea
- The Clash
- Cockney Rejects
- Cock Sparrer
- Combat 84
- Conflict
- Crass
- Crisis
- Cult Maniax
- The Cure
- Cyanide
[edit] D
- The Damned
- Dave Goodman
- Deadline
- Desperate Bicycles
- The Drones
- Discharge
- Disorder
- Dustin's Bar Mitzvah
[edit] E
[edit] F
[edit] G
[edit] H
[edit] I
[edit] J
[edit] K
[edit] L
[edit] M
[edit] N
[edit] O
[edit] P
- Pacer
- Patrik Fitzgerald
- The Paddingtons
- The Partisans
- Penetration
- Peter and the Test Tube Babies
- Phinius Gage
- The Piranhas
- Pork Dukes
- Poison Girls
- The Prefects
- The Professionals
- Purple Hearts
- Punchpuppet
[edit] R
- Red Flag 77
- Resistance 77
- Revenge
- The Rich Kids
- The Rivals
- The Rezillos
- Rudi
- Rudimentary Peni
- The Ruts
- The Redskins
[edit] S
- Serf Combat
- Sex Pistols
- Sham 69
- The Shapes
- Siouxsie & The Banshees
- The Skids
- Skrewdriver
- Slaughter & The Dogs
- The Slits
- The Snivelling Shits
- Snuff
- Special Duties
- Spizz Energi
- Splodgenessabounds
- The Starjets
- The Steal
- Stiff Little Fingers
- The Stranglers
- The Straps
- Studio Sweethearts
- Subhumans
- Subway Sect
- Swell Maps
[edit] T
- The Table
- Tenpole Tudor
- Theatre of Hate
- The Tights
- Toy Dolls
- Tubeway Army
- Towers Of London
- The Horrors
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